Tuesday, July 6, 2010

ho shit

abby is being a doll and using her blog every day and
i think i shall COPY her and do this to.
probably to keep what is left of my sanity.
damn i do talk to myself a lot.

skypeing or skyping or skype-ing in the middle of the night is the absolute tits.

i think i need to finally compile my "songs-to-cry-to" or "songs-that-make-me-cry" playlist.
it shall be epic because i suffer from the affliction known as
WIMMENS EMOTIONS so i'm highly susceptible to the influence of sad, sad songs.
also happy songs are some songs that make me cry to.

what i really hope is to begin to see some songs that remind me of the possible good times that
are up ahead of me.

do you realise how the word "hope" actually implies some doubt? like, you want something to happen
or be a certain way, but you can only express hope, seeing as it may not happen. it's not definite. you aren't saying,
"things will get better," you're saying "i hope things will get better." there's so much of a void expressed there,
a black chasm where you are almost certain you are blindly stepping your foot out over.
i'm getting stronger. i want to make things happen, not just hope.

anyways, looking through stupid ass photos and i'll eventually make that horribly sad playlist.
hell, i may even be arsed to give a reason why. some of them are interesting... maybe. prolly not interesting. but ehhh.

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